

hospitality 热情好客; hospitality 名词 n. [U] 1. 殷勤,好客 He is a man of great hospitality. 他是个非常热心殷勤的人。 I was the guest of honor at their hospitality. 我是他们热情招待的贵宾。 2.(宾馆、饭店等的)接待,迎送 The hotel's hospitality included free continental breakfast. 这家旅馆的殷勤还包括提供免费早餐。 We were welcomed by our host with true Scandinavian hospitality. 我们受到了主人热情的斯堪的纳维亚式款待。 3.(尤指政治上的)庇护;保护;供养 The tycoon provided his protégé with every luxury and showed him extraordinary hospitality. 那个大亨给他的受惠人提供各种奢侈享受,对他十分殷勤。

在英文中,“hospitality”这个单词常与“tourism”一起出现,表示“欢迎外来游客并尽力满足他们的需求”之意。 In Britain, visitors are expected to behave in a way that demonstrates their understanding and appreciation of the country’s rich heritage and hospitable customs. 在英国,游客应该举止得当,以彰显其对富有特色的英国文化遗产和热情好客习俗的理解与欣赏。
